Return Policy

  • Exam Voucher Purchases
    All CompTIA exam voucher purchases are final. Exam voucher purchases may not be returned, refunded or exchanged

    All exam vouchers, including any retakes, expire 12 months from the date of purchase. You must register and take your exam (and retake, if applicable) prior to the voucher expiration date. Voucher expiration dates cannot be extended.

    Non-Voucher Digital Products
    Non-voucher digital products may be returned, with authorization, if the following criteria are met
    • The return request is submitted within 30 days from the purchase date.
    • The digital access key has not been redeemed/activated.
    If the above criteria are met, digital products that may be considered for a return are: Official CompTIA Instructor/Student Guide eBook, Official CompTIA Self-Paced Study Guide eBook, CertMaster Learn, CertMaster Practice, CertMaster Labs, CompTIA Labs, CertMaster Learn+Labs and CertMaster CE.

    If the above criteria are met, bundle purchases may be considered for a return. Partial refunds for bundle purchases cannot be provided.

    CertMaster Learn Organization/Business License - Removing a Student Assignment: Applicable for Classroom Setup with Student Upload and Classroom Setup with Student Access Keys.*
    • A student assignment may be removed, and the seat reassigned if the student has not completed any coursework within 30 days of purchase.
    • If the student has begun the coursework within 30 days of purchase, the student assignment is only eligible for removal if the request is submitted within 3 business days of activation.

    *For Usage Based Billing (UBB), license activations are non-cancelable and license fees paid are non-refundable per the UBB Master Agreement.

    Physical Print Products
    CompTIA operates a print-on-demand fulfillment process. All sales are final, and orders for print books are non-returnable and non-refundable.

    How to Submit a Return Request
    For Store Purchases
    Log into your CompTIA store account and follow these steps:
    • Click Order Status from the dropdown in the upper-right corner of the page.
    • Locate the order in your Order History and click the Return button.
    • Fill out the request form by selecting a return reason from the dropdown, enter the quantity and add a comment to provide any details.

    You’ll receive an email notification that your return request has been submitted, and you will receive additional follow-up communication from our support team regarding the processing of your return.
    NOTE: Partial refunds for purchases cannot be provided.

    For Purchases Through a CompTIA Representative
    Submit a help request and select Order Return Request as the request type from the dropdown.


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    Downers Grove, IL 60515